Sasquatch Sightings Plagued Westmoreland County, Virginia in the 1970s

This all was told to me by a close family friend who was alive during that time and used to work on the oyster boats around Kinsale.

According to him for several years in the early 1970’s there was a spate of bigfoot like sightings among fisherman and hunters around the Sandy Point, Kinsale area.

Seen originally by coon hunters when they were out with their dogs this creature was said to be several feet taller than any man, covered head to toe in body hair, and smelled terrible. Often it would be seen in the distance watching them. Many took it as a clear sign to get out of the woods.

On a couple of occasions people even claimed sometimes it would get too close to comfort and charge them until they left the woods. It was also noted for its keening, guttural cry that could be heard all throughout the woods and the way it apparently liked to knock on trees.

Sadly, it also didn’t seem to like dogs, as several coon hounds were found with their necks and backs broken.

But, hunters weren’t the only people encountering this strange beast. In fact several waterman also claimed to see something watching them from the shore as their boats left the docks in the morning and even occasionally when they came in, in the afternoon.

They all described the same way. As a large humanoid creature that seemed to be covered head to toe in hair.

On one occasion a man’s truck was said to be struck by it and large claw marks raked down the side, but as I was told by the family friend most of the people back then drove drunk, so he didn’t put to much stock in that story.

Supposedly, the creature made its home in a stretch of woods off of what was known as Devils Run Road, near Tucker Hill Road. Whether that was true or not was never proven, as the sightings dwindled and by the mid-70’s no one in the area reported seeing it again.

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